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Showing posts from September, 2018

WILT: Recover a deleted GIT branch

Lets say you just deleted your gits local and remote branches and wanted to recover them back. You can start by recovering the local branch and pushing it onto the remote. To start with, you need to execute the following command and figure out the SHA1 of the last commit you did onto your deleted branch $ git reflog dcdae48 HEAD@{0}: checkout: moving xxxxxxxxxxxxx 74041c0 HEAD@{1}: commit: UT fixes. 2045bbd HEAD@{2}: commit (merge): xxxxxxxxxxxxx e099ba5 HEAD@{3}: checkout: moving xxxxxxxxxxxxx be0992e HEAD@{4}: checkout: moving xxxxxxxxxxxxx The commits are listed from latest to oldest. Pick up the latest commit with your changes for the deleted branch. Lets say 74041c0 . Now checkout the master of your branch and merge the changes from the selected commit onto it. $ git checkout master $ git merge 74041c0 You can also create a branch directly from the SHA1: $ git branch SHA1 or $ git checkout -b SHA1 Resolve any merge conflicts that may arise and your...